We Offer Teachers and Parents Learning Tools to Help Kids with Tapping

A virtual class for parents and teachers to learn songs and games to teach kids tapping.

Sing playful tapping songs

Games to help kids build memory and exercise there brain

Tapping Meditations to learn more easily 

How to Tap with Kids

Featured on Let's Talk Kids Health with Dr. Nerissa Bauer

The inspiration for the Tap Tap Tap Technique came from years of teaching kids yoga and tapping and wanting to offer kids a playful way to integrate tapping into their life.

Songs & Videos that come with this virtual class.


Intro to Kids Tapping

Watch this 7 minute video and tap along to teach your 4 - 10 year old the tapping points.


10 Rounds of Tapping

Tap and Sign Along: This song helps kids counting backwards honoring whatever they feel, accepting themselves while being present in your environment tapping into confidence in choosing peace.


I Spy

I spy while tapping by my eye is a fun twist to a loved kids song and game.  You'll learn two variations of this song to tap and sing along to.


That Tap Tap Tap

Play with different variations of the Tap Tap Tap Technique Song.  * Start a Tapping Class * Calm Worry * To Prep For Reading or * Learning Something New


Love Alive in Me

May this song remind kids love is alive in them no matter what they feel.  A beautiful song for both kids and adults to celebrate life together.


Tap Into Rhythm

A lot of the tapping songs encourage acceptance, letting go, love and affirmations to be present.  While tapping and noticing what you see and hear helps kids feel seen and heard and tap intro presence.


How to tap with kids 

Featured on Let's Talk Kids Health with Dr. Nerissa Bauer

Dr. Nerissa Bauer, a behavior pediatrition and creator of Let's Talk Kid's Health, helps support families to learn together and grow together. She specializes in helping kids with ADHD.

TEACH ME ADHD is her signature course. It is an 8-week interactive virtual course for kids with ADHD (age 8-12) to take with their parent(s), with other families. The course has a detective theme and kids and parents choose code names. There are family missions and deeds to work on together each week. 

Article on Moms.com

What Is EFT Tapping And How Can It Help With Child Anxiety?

"Because most children cannot clearly articulate how they feel, they either express themselves through tantrums or carry around their emotions internally. This leaves many children struggling with stress from a young age."

"However, EFT tapping is a wonderful tool that children can learn and utilize when they feel negative emotions build. It's an easy process to pick up, and EFT often produces instant results in children because they don't get caught up in the "how" and "why" of the process — they just want to feel better."


kids yoga Story Time

Olive the Other Reindeer

Enjoy this kids yoga class themed after the story "Olive the Other Reindeer"

How to tap with kids 

Featured on Let's Talk Kids Health with Dr. Nerissa Bauer

Dr. Nerissa Bauer, a behavior pediatrition and creator of Let's Talk Kid's Health, helps support families to learn together and grow together. She specializes in helping kids with ADHD.

TEACH ME ADHD is her signature course. It is an 8-week interactive virtual course for kids with ADHD (age 8-12) to take with their parent(s), with other families. The course has a detective theme and kids and parents choose code names. There are family missions and deeds to work on together each week. 

Article on Moms.com

What Is EFT Tapping And How Can It Help With Child Anxiety?

"Because most children cannot clearly articulate how they feel, they either express themselves through tantrums or carry around their emotions internally. This leaves many children struggling with stress from a young age."

"However, EFT tapping is a wonderful tool that children can learn and utilize when they feel negative emotions build. It's an easy process to pick up, and EFT often produces instant results in children because they don't get caught up in the "how" and "why" of the process — they just want to feel better."



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100% of your donation will go towards adding more content, and sharing this technique with teachers, school and parents and adding to the class.  

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